'Tundra' used on latest ad from Flowscape

Nice use of my track Tundra on this short video for Flowscape. With thanks to Addictive Tracks.

A company with 1,000 employees waste 60,000 hours a year on friction. 60,000 hours of unnecessary friction a year. It corresponds to 30 full-time positions. Amazing. Imagine if we instead could direct our energy to the things that promote the wellbeing of our colleagues. Our clients. Ourselves. Tear down barriers blocking collaboration.

Hookworm Premiere at the BFI

Great to be here at the British Film institute for the premiere of Hookworm. It's been said the best barometer of good film-making is reception. To hear audience gasps and whispers at the critical junctures told me Noah Aldhous nailed it. Some excellent sound/dub work which provided the score with the space it needed to underpin the sub-text. OST now available on iTunes including this extended bonus track of 'Getting Intimate'.